By 2030, the world's total Muslim population is expected to increase by 35 percent over its 2010 level, to 2.2 billion people. Christianity is becoming a religion of the past; Islam appears that of the future. The Muslim population still grows at a faster rate than the Hindu population, but the gap between the two growth rates is narrowing fast. Yekaterinburg, the fourth-largest city in the country. Note: Crude migration change (per 1000) is a trend analysis, an extrapolation, based the calculation average population change (current year minus previous) minus natural change of the current year (see table vital statistics). Russian Army forces were commanded into Grozny in 1994, but, after two years of intense fighting, the Russian troops eventually withdrew from Chechnya under the Khasavyurt Accord. Federal regions also have their own departments of health that oversee local administration. Gaynetdin has told Anadolu news agency that t. Sheikh Gaynetdin said most Muslims in the country live in the Moscow region and other major metropolitan areas such as St Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. The explicit Russian goal involved expelling the groups in question from their lands. The new amendments also ban giving away Russian territory, a possible reference to Crimea. [77], For centuries, the Tatars constituted the only Muslim ethnic group in European Russia, with Tatar language being the only language used in their mosques, a situation which saw rapid change over the course of the 20th century as a large number of Caucasian and Central Asian Muslims migrated to central Russian cities and began attending Tatar-speaking mosques, generating pressure on the imams of such mosques to begin using Russian. Russian data includes occupied Crimea and Sevastopol starting in 2014, Ethnic groups in Russia of more than 1 million people in 2010, Percentage of ethnic Russians by region in 2010. Anti-Muslim feelings were stoked by the war in Chechnya and terrorist attacks by Chechen fighters in the 1990s and early 2000s. Israel's population is 9.6 million. The Russian government, for its part, fears the rise of political Islam of the violent sort that Russians witnessed in the 1980s firsthand in Afghanistan and secondhand in Iran. And the first Adhan, call to worship, in Russia, was made on the lands of Dagestan, the mufti said. [69] Putin is believed to have backed protests by Muslims in Russia against Charlie Hebdo cartoons and the West.[70]. More than 90% of Muslims in Russia adhere to the Sunni Islam. [43] Bashkirs had the military statute of 1874 applied to them. We are concerned about the safety of members of all religious communities in Ukraine, particularly the safety of those living in areas under Russia's control or occupation, including members of the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Crimean Tatar Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Evangelicals, and Baptists. [5], Recognized under the law and by Russian political leaders as one of Russia's traditional religions, Islam is a part of Russian historical heritage, and is subsidized by the Russian government. [115] Moscow is among the world's largest cities, being the most populous city entirely within Europe, the most populous urban area in Europe,[114] the most populous metropolitan area in Europe,[115] and also the largest city by land area on the European continent. In a poll released in July 2005 by the Pew Research Group, 84 percent of those surveyed said that they were concerned about the rise of Muslim extremism in their country and 72 percent said that they felt that Muslim immigrants wish to remain distinct from their society. [116] Saint Petersburg, the cultural capital, is the second-largest city, with a population of roughly 5.4 million inhabitants. The Chechen separatists were internally divided between the Islamic extremists, the more moderate pro-independent Muslim Chechens and the traditional Islamic authorities with various positions towards Chechen independence. Sufi rituals, practiced to give the Chechens spiritual strength to resist foreign oppression, became legendary among Russian troops fighting the Chechens during tsarist times. Growth factors: Now 25 million people strong, Gaynetdin attributed the growth in Muslim population two main factors: the high birth rate among Muslim families, and throughthe arrival of people from Central Asia. A separate private health insurance plan is needed to access private healthcare in Russia. In his 1985 analysis Mystics and Commissars, S. Enders Wimbush wrote: Members of Sufi brotherhoods were hunted as criminalsThey were accused of immutable hostility towards the Soviet regime or economic sabotage, banditsim, terrorism, and armed rebellion.. The current population of the Russian Federation is 146,093,083 as of Tuesday, January 17, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. The first Muslim state in the future Russian lands was Volga Bulgaria[15] For example, the Mrcani Mosque was the only acting mosque in Kazan at that[when?] Vol. [33] In August 2012, as the country saw its first demographic growth since the 1990s, President Putin declared that Russia's population could reach 146 million by 2025, mainly as a result of immigration. The 2000 estimates appear to have undercounted Muslims in Cyprus, France, Guatemala, Hungary, Slovakia and Vietnam, while overcounting the number in Laos, Lesotho and Taiwan. [42] A nachalnik was present in every one of the 11 cantons of the Bashkir host which was created by Russia after the Pugachev Rebellion. Muslim population growth dropped by 4.7 percentage points from 29.3% to 24.6%, while the Christian, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain population groups saw even larger declines. Islam in Tanzania is the second largest religion in the country behind Christianity. The population identifying as Christian dropped from 59% in 2011 to 46% this time, mainly due to the people with no religion . Harassment and attacks of people from the Caucasus increased after terrorist attacks involving Chechens. Russians, Germans, Belarusians and Ukrainians). A census in 2002 counted 14.5 million while Russian Muslim leaders claim there are 23 million. One of the two Russian boards has jurisdiction in European Russia and Siberia, and the other is responsible for the Muslim enclaves of the North Caucasus and Transcaspian regions. The Muslim community in Russia continues to grow, having reached 25 million, according to the grand mufti of Russia, Sheikh Rawil Gaynetdin. Muslims accused of having Wahabbi sympathies have had he mosques raided and religious material, including Korans, confiscated. [46] They were given a choice as to where to be resettled: in the Ottoman Empire, in Persia, or Russia far from their old lands. Despite this concession, extremists such as Shamil Basayev and the Saudi-born Islamist Ibn Al-Khattab continued to undermine the Maskhadov government. In Dagestan there are number of Islamic universities and madrassas, notable among them are: Dagestan Islamic University, Institute of Theology and International Relations, whose rector Maksud Sadikov was assassinated on 8 June 2011.[52]. More than 3 million Tajik citizens were officially registered in Russia in 2021. . In 2021, while economies were on the road to recovery, the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, which began in the first quarter of 2022, put the world economy in jeopardy once again. The number of Muslims is increasing, in part because their birthrate is higher. Russian Shias are mainly Azeris and Tajiks from Pamir and they are small in number. [67], At the end of the Second Chechen War, in 2005, Chechen rebel leader, Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, decreed the formation of a Caucasus Front against Russia, among Islamic believers in the North Caucasus, in an attempt to widen Chechnya's conflict with Russia. The comments follow the beheading of a French schoolteacher for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to students. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Islam experienced revival in southern Russia and the Northern Caucasus. Hall & Company, Boston); New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, Lonely Planet Guides, Library of Congress, U.S. government, Comptons Encyclopedia, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, AFP, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The Economist, Foreign Policy, Wikipedia, BBC, CNN, and various books, websites and other publications. [17] Until the late 18th century, the Crimean Tatars maintained a massive slave-trade with the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East, exporting about 2 million slaves from Russia and Ukraine over the period 15001700.[18]. In the 2021 census, roughly 71.7% of the population were ethnic Russians, and the remaining 16.7% of the population were ethnic minorities with 11.6% not stating an ethnicity. 19271959". Many Muslims also reside in Ul'yanovsk, Samara, Nizhniy Novgorod, Moscow, Perm', and Leningrad oblasts. This contrasted with other places in Europe outside Russia where Muslims were not allowed to own Christians. [Source: Library of Congress, July 1996 *]. On the same day an 18-year-old Chechen was stabbed to death by skinheads outside the Kremlin. Sources: Our World In Data and Gapminder Foundation.[22]. mi) In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. It has the world's largest Orthodox population. In Islam, each country has its own spiritual institutionalisation.. The number of Muslims allowed to make pilgrimages to Mecca increased sharply after the embargo of the Soviet era ended in 1991. [107] It spent roughly 4.7% of its GDP on education in 2018. [17] In 2010, four-fifths of Russia's population was of European descentof which the vast majority were Slavs,[69] with a substantial minority of Finnic and Germanic peoples. Text Sources: Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Russia and Eurasia, China, edited by Paul Friedrich and Norma Diamond (C.K. [76] The III International Conference on Hajj Management attended by some 170 delegates from 12 counties was held in Kazan from 7 9 July 2011. These likely undercounts and overcounts should be taken into consideration when looking at growth rates, particularly in the affected countries. Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., Inc, 117145. Europe has lost almost 60% of its Jewish population over the past 50 years, mainly as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union after which many Jews . In August 2012, Russian emigration following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Russian emigration associated with the invasion, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, highest number of confirmed cases in the world, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, List of cities and towns in Russia by population, List of federal subjects of Russia by total fertility rate, List of federal subjects of Russia by life expectancy, Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, "Russia Demographics 2020 (Population, Age, Sex, Trends) - Worldometer", "Russia Population 0 to 1800 Our World in Data", "RUSSIA: historical demographical data of the whole country", "Population of Russia 2022 | Religion in Russia | Find Easy", "Population density (people per sq. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Islam regained a prestigious, legally recognized space in Russian politics. Under the tsars, the Muslim clergy was brought within Russian bureaucratic structure and given salaries. km (6,323,482 sq. Their follow-up study in 2011 found that the number of mosques had grown to 2,106, and the 2020 version found 2,769 mosques . In 2006, countries with a Muslim majority had an average population growth rate of 1.8% per year (when weighted by percentage Muslim and population size). [20], Note: Crude migration change (per 1000) is a trend analysis, an extrapolation [21], The total fertility rate is the number of children born to each woman. [4][5] However, the populations of two federal subjects with Islamic majorities were not surveyed due to social unrest, which together had a population of nearly 2 million, namely Chechnya and Ingushetia,[6] thus the total number of Muslims may be slightly larger. I look around and if I dont see any obstacles, Ill go beat up this guy and maybe even kill him and Ill have as much joy as if I bought a car.. In 1992, for example, Sheikh Ravil Gainurtdin, the imam of the Moscow mosque, complained that "our country [Russia] still retains the ideology of the tsarist empire, which believed that the Orthodox faith alone should be a privileged religion, that is, the state religion." Germans, Poles, and Lithuanians were allowed to be sold to Crimean Tatars in Moscow. The United Kingdom has seen rapid growth in the Muslim population, according to a 10-yearly census carried out in 2021. This is firstly because Hindus are in the majority, and secondly because in the police in most states ( as well as in the Indian army ) there is an unwritten, secret rule to recruit very few Muslims. [7] The position of Islam as a major Russian religion, alongside Orthodox Christianity, dates from the time of Catherine the Great, who sponsored Islamic clerics and scholarship through the Orenburg Assembly. The annexation is internationally recognized only by North Korea. Kazan has a large Muslim population (probably the second after Moscow urban group of the Muslims and the biggest indigenous group in Russia) and is home to the Russian Islamic University in Kazan, Tatarstan. Among them are two magazines in Russian, Ekho Kavkaza and Islamskiy vestnik , and the Russian-language newspaper Islamskiye novosti , which is published in Makhachkala, Dagestan. And as Muslim families have a birth rate one child higher than the rest of the continent, the Pew Research Center projects nearly 1 in 5 people will be Muslim in the United Kingdom (17%),. [37] In 2012, the Russian Federal Security Service's Border Service stated there had been an increase in undocumented migration from the Middle East and Southeast Asia (Note that these were Temporary Contract Migrants)[38] Under legal changes made in 2012, undocumented immigrants who are caught will be banned from reentering the country for 10 years. 38", " :: ", "The Demographic Yearbook of Russia 2019",, "Russia trying to resolve demographic problem through immigration", "Immigration Drives Russian Population Increase", "The Caucasus Concerned over Born-Again Russians", "Uzbekistan: Minorities Taking Advantage of New Russian Citizenship Rules", " : 3 , 4 "" ", "Russia reports surge in undocumented migration from Asia", "Illegal immigrants can be barred from Russia for 510 years", "The Backlash Against Immigration in Russia", "Some 500 illegal immigrants from Vietnam arrested in Moscow", "Fleeing Putin, Thousands of Educated Russians Are Moving Abroad", "Russia faces brain drain as thousands flee abroad", "Russia's Brain Drain Becomes a Stampede for the Exits", "Russia's war migrants find mixed reception in Georgia", "Who are the Russians leaving their country? Through the . *, In 1992 several Muslim associations withdrew from the Caucasus muftiate and attempted to establish their own spiritual boards. This wave continues into the present, with the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine leading to considerable Russian emigration associated with the invasion. Its too late, he told the Govorit Moskva radio station when asked if the demographic trend could be reversed. They are objects of discrimination and abuse and are often the targets of round-ups of "illegal" residents without residence permits. According to a comprehensive survey conducted in 2012, Muslims were 6.5% of Russia's population. While Muslims in Asia have reached more than two-thirds of the world's Muslim population living on this continent. Its Muslim population is expected to rise from 16.4 million in 2010 to 18.6 million in 2030. "Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050", "Arctic mosque stays open but Muslim numbers shrink", "RUSSIA 2017 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT", All-Russia Population Census 2010 ( 2010), " : ", "Vladimir Putin says Muslim schools can help stop "destructive" ideas", "Why Russia is No Place to Be Charlie - Tablet Magazine", "The rise of Russian Muslims worries Orthodox Church", , , 2006, "The Islamization of the Volga Bulghars: A Question Reconsidered", "Slaves, Money Lenders, and Prisoner Guards: The Jews and the Trade in Slaves and Captives in the Crimean Khanate", "Slave Trade in the Early Modern Crimea From the Perspective of_Christian Muslim and Jewish Sources", "How Russia's steppe warriors took on Napoleon's armies", " ", "History of Hajj in Russia from 18th to 21st century -", "Window on Eurasia: Putin Says Orthodoxy 'Closer to Islam than Catholicism Is' - RISU", " , . In the earyly 2000s, Russian newspaper ran pictures of local Muslim leaders next to pictures of Osama bin Laden. A leader of a nationalist group told the Washington Post, They dont wash themselves, they dont clean up, they sleep 10 to 15 in a small room. [10] As of 2020, the overall life expectancy in Russia at birth was 71.54 years (66.49 years for males and 76.43 years for females). Analysis of excess deaths from official government demographic statistics, based on births and deaths and excluding migration, showed that Russia had its biggest ever annual population drop in peacetime, with the population declining by 997,000 between October 2020 and September 2021, which demographer Alexei Raksha interpreted as being primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. [87] The constitution allows the country's individual republics the right to establish their own state languages in addition to Russian, as well as guarantee its citizens the right to preserve their native language and to create conditions for its study and development. In the Soviet-era, one Tatar told National Geographic, "I only heard the Koran read at funerals. (ed.). Approximately 5.72 million Muslims were estimated to live in France, the most of any country listed. ", All-Russia Population Census 2010 ( 2010), "Religious Belief and National Belonging in Central and Eastern Europe", "Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century", "Arena: Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia", "Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) Russian Federation", "Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP) Russian Federation", "Early childhood care and education in the Russian Federation", "RUSSIA: Central'nyj Federal'nyj Okrug Central Federal District", "A 3-Hour Commute: A Close Look At Moscow The Megapolis", "Moscow, a City Undergoing Transformation", "RUSSIA: Severo-Zapadnyj Federal'nyj Okrug: Northwestern Federal District", " ", Demographic situation in Russia in 19922010, Russia's Peacetime Demographic Crisis: Dimensions, Causes, Implications, The Regional Consequences of Russia's Demographic Crisis, Results of population policy and current demographic situation (2008), "Demographic situation in Russia and the role of mortality in reproduction of population", Choice between mass migration and birth rate increase as possible solutions of depopulation problem in Russia (in Russian),, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from April 2022, Articles with spreadsheet file bare URLs for citations, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with failed verification from December 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2022, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1.06 male(s)/female (male 11,980,138/female 11,344,818), 0.925 male(s)/female (male 48,166,470/female 52,088,967), 0.44 male(s)/female (male 5,783,983/female 13,105,896). [73] Other minorities include Mongolian peoples (Buryats and Kalmyks),[74][75] the Indigenous peoples of Siberia,[76] a historical Jewish population,[77] and the Koryo-saram (including Sakhalin Koreans).[78]. What is it like to be a Muslim in Russia? Ravil Gainutdin, the chairman of the Council of Muftis, a religious group representing Russias Muslim community. Comparisons of blood-based biomarkers with Norway implicate non-ischaemic cardiac damage", "Russia's alcohol policy: a continuing success story", "Time trends in smoking in Russia in the light of recent tobacco control measures: synthesis of evidence from multiple sources", "Suicide mortality rate (per 100,000 population) Russian Federation", "Preventing suicide: Russian Federation adapts WHO self-harm monitoring tool", "Russia's population undergoes largest ever peacetime decline", International Journal of Political Economy, "Russia's Jews fear resurgent anti-Semitism amid Ukraine war", "Russia and Ukraine Fight, But Their People Seek Reconciliation", "Background Briefing: Why is Russia's North Caucasus region unstable? The percentage of Muslims is sizable in Assam (34.22%), West Bengal (27.01%), Kerala (26.56%), Uttar Pradesh (19.26%), and Bihar (16.87%). However, the Chechen government's grip on Chechnya was weak, especially outside the ruined capital Grozny. There are a handful of Muslims that are ethnic Russians and Ukrainians and Belorussians, mostly young and educated. They incite the crowd. Between 1993 and 2008, Russia 's population saw a considerable decline in its population from 148.37 million to 143.25. Elghobashy made history when she became the first hijabi athlete to . 2005. *. There are also about 20,000 to 32,000 Druze living mostly in the north of Jordan, even though most Druze no longer consider themselves Muslim. In many of the following years, Russia had the highest total fertility rate in the world. [37][38] Napoleon's forces faced off against Kalmyks on horseback. He says that the Khanty-Mansiisk district is "a unique Siberian region" in that about 15 percent of its population consists of Muslims, mostly from the Middle Volga, Central Asia and the Caucasus. [22] These elevated fertility rates did not lead to population growth due to the casualties of the Russian Revolution, the two world wars and political killings. Copies of the Quran (Koran) are readily available, and many mosques are being built in regions with large Muslim populations. Extremist forms of Islam areg grouped together and referred to as Wahhabism in Russia. [4] This compares with a world population growth rate of 1.12% per year [5], and according to the World Christian Encyclopaedia, between 1990 and 2000, Islam received around 865,558 converts . The Russo-Circassian War ended with the signing of loyalty oaths by Circassian leaders on 2 June [O.S. There are believed to be around 20 million Muslims in Russia. The mayor of Moscow said that Moscow cannot do without worker migrants. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit. According to the United Nations, Russia's immigrant population is the third-largest in the world, numbering over 11.6 million in 2016;[18] most of which are from post-Soviet states, mainly Ukrainians. The Tatars of the Khanate of Kazan inherited the population of believers from that state. [13] However, since 2020, due to excess deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's population has undergone its largest peacetime decline in recorded history. Later most of the European and Caucasian Turkic peoples also became followers of Islam. [51] In 1995 the newly established Union of Muslims of Russia, led by Imam Khatyb Mukaddas of Tatarstan, began organizing a movement aimed at improving inter-ethnic understanding and ending Russians' lingering misconception of Islam. The UK Muslim population rose from 4.9 percent to 6.5 percent from 2011 to 2021. The Muslim community in Russia continues to grow, having reached 25 million, according to the grand mufti of Russia, Sheikh Rawil Gaynetdin. For that reason, the Russian government has provided extensive military and political support to secular leaders of the five Central Asian republics, all of whom are publicly opposed to political Islam. 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