They seem hesitant to accept him as a leader, let alone as a peer. Those who were chosen to write Scripture reveal not only what is consistent with earlier texts of Scripture, and the writings of their inspired contemporaries (e.g. In the New Testament, when but one leader is dominant, and exclusively followed, this is rebuked (1 Corinthians 1). His words are twisted by false teachers just as the rest of the Scriptures are (verse 16). Its existence would take much of the pleasure out of my sin, because I would know that someday I will have to pay the price. Another difference. The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is an opportunity to reflect on why these two men are in heaven. Peter, the rock, the disciple who was one of the three disciples most intimately associated with the Master, the one who preached the gospel so clearly and forcefully to the Jews at Pentecost and who also preached to the Gentiles at the home of Cornelius, now denies that very gospel. Just how many of the twelve actually authored a New Testament book? His input to the Jerusalem Council was not that of a spiritual heavyweight. When the Jewish church leaders in Jerusalem (which had to include some of the apostles, directly or indirectly) heard of Peters actions regarding Cornelius and the salvation of these Gentiles, they did not rejoicethey were incensed. Paul is the representative Christian schoolman of his time. The gospel makes equals of every saint, for the only righteousness which will get a man to heaven is Christs righteousness, received by faith, apart from works. Peter and works: Peter preached works as necessary for salvation in order to enter the kingdom (Acts 10:351 Peter 1:151 Peter 2:92 Peter 1:10-11). Having already stated that no Scripture is a matter of private interpretation, he indicates it should carry the weight of the collective study and contemplation of the church (1 Peter 1:20-21). That is different groups, not different gospels. Peter was primarily the Apostle to Israel (Galatians 2:8). Peter's Justification: Peter and the other eleven Apostles taught justification unto eternal life by believing on the name of Jesus; by believing Jesus is Christ, the Son of God (Acts 10:43Matthew 16:16Acts 4:12 Acts 2:36John 20:31). June 29 is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Those who believed their gospels are in Christ. This particular lesson focuses on Peters endorsement of Paul and his epistles. Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. What we know about Paul comes from two extraordinary sources. He accused Peter of hypocrisy. *** In the dispensation of the fullness of times both of these things will be brought together in Christ (Eph 1:10). 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel? He distanced himself from the Gentile believers, and this out of fear for the party of the circumcision (2:12). Neither Peter, nor his fellow-disciples, nor Paul, were infallible. Paul's gospel: Paul taught the gospel of the uncircumcision (Galatians 2:7). This was as far as I got in this thread. One betrayed Jesus, the other would go on to be one of the most passionate apostles. 4:10, 5:12). 47. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Peter and the church: Peter preached to Israel (Acts 3:12). Paul in his epistles reveal the mysteries and doctrine for the church today. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished, and is not the gospel that is preached today. The author of Scripture claims or implies his epistle is divinely inspired and authoritative (see, for example, 1 Corinthians 14:37-38). Israel would rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand year period (, ). Their ancient cities are still standing Peter was from Galilee, in modern-day Israel. Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. 4Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. Along with EpicPew, Justin has written for Aleteia, Ave Maria Press, Catholic Exchange, Catholic365, the journal Church Life, Our Sunday Visitor, and various other publications. "to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery" Ephesians 3:9, Learn Mid-Acts Dispensational Right Division. Peter taught the gospel of the kingdom (Luke 9:2 Luke 9:6 2 Peter 1:11). It is the body of Christ. We know the Jerusalem Council decided that keeping the Law was impossible for the Jews and that striving to do the works of the Law could only condemn and not save (Acts 15:10-11). Peter's Apostleship: His Apostleship was commanded by Jesus Christ along with the other eleven disciples before Paul. This is the same event that we see in Galatians where Paul goes up to the apostles in Jerusalem. He would rather offend his Gentile brethren than offend these legalists who might not even be saints. Both Apostles Paul and Peter were appointed by God to . Peter and Paul, coming from vastly different backgrounds, holding different demeanors, nonetheless, in Christ, were able to come together as one. The church is not a mere collection of individuals. They would have failed to fulfill their stewardship as apostles had they allowed the care of the widows to consume their time and energies. When they are, we should obey them if at all possible. The principle of plurality can be seen at work in the ministry of the twelve apostles. Peter was the one who told Jesus that he would never let him die, and Jesus called him Satan for it. Biblical revelation is both progressive (sequentially revealed over a long period of time) and plural (multiple authors). Paul was primarily the Apostle to Gentiles (Romans 11:13 2 Timothy 1:11). Why not just one apostle like Peter who could be the spokesman for God and a kind of pope? He is prac-ticed in analysis and argument. Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. I got a title for your next post . Paul reviews the basis of the argument that he had made to Peter and the rest of the church at Antioch during that confrontation. In 1 Corinthians 15:5, Paul notes that Jesus was seen alive again by "Cephas," one of the nicknames of Peter that means "Rock." Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. I fear the distinction of Peter as the apostle to the circumcision and Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles is equivalent to the Supreme Court decision which established what has become known as the policy of separate but equal (Plessy v. Ferguson, 1898). Paul presents his most passionate defense of his authority based on his revelations from Jesus and his mystical experiences. Add both to Cart. He was summarily called on the carpet to explain his actions. Some say, I cannot understand how a God of love would condemn anyone to hell. What they really mean is: I dont want to believe in a literal hell. Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished, and is not the gospel that is preached today. Peter's Apostleship: His Apostleship was commanded by Jesus Christ along with the other eleven disciples before Paul. The Spirit of God spoke to and through the leaders of the church at Antioch, and Barnabas and Paul were sent out (Acts 13:1-4). douge But it was not said that this was necessary for salvation, as had been previously demanded. Nevertheless, the pressure applied by these lobbying legalizers never completely subsides. After his conversion Paul was given revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ; Paul did not learn from any man including the twelve Apostles (Galatians 1:12). He says in the very 1st verse of the 1st chapter that he was an "apostle not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead." The Apostles arethe body of Christ!!!! Paul in his epistles reveal the mysteries and doctrine for the church today. Stephens preaching was powerfully underscored by the signs and wonders God performed through him (6:8-10), and his death was the catalyst which brought about a great persecution against the saints in Jerusalem, prompting all except the apostles to flee the city (Acts 8:1). I didn't make that up - God said that. Those who claim to get direct orders only from God may find the source of their guidance other than divine. Peters words in our text should certainly serve as a benchmark for assessing the truth of the doctrines claimed by the Roman Catholic Church regarding the pope. When showing someone the difference between the 12 Apostles and the Apostle Paul the best place to go in the Scriptures is the Prison Epistles of Paul written after the Acts period, for in them THERE ARE FAR MORE DIFFERENCES., THAN SIMILARITIES, which we will show in our next article. They seem strangely silent. So let all raise those hands and praise the LORD . Paul preaches the gospel by which we are saved today. This shows us how differences remain even in unity. Peters words are most significant. And he is rebuked by Paul for doing so. That order is clearly foreign to most Bible students today. There were significant differences between Peter and Paul. Following but one leader leads to trouble. And yet peter was even sent to Cornelius a gentile and this is where its first recorded that the gentiles received the gospel . One cannot say with certainty the selection of Matthias was wrong, but one certainly can say that Paul had far more impact as an apostle than Matthias did. Peter was primarily the Apostle to Israel (Galatians 2:8). 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. While Peter is prominent in the first part of Acts, Paul clearly dominates the latter portion of the book. Peter did not have Roman citizenship, while Paul did. 2:8-9 ). Married. At the end of their first missionary journey while Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, some Jews came down from Judea insisting the only way a Gentile could be saved was to convert to Judaism, as well as to trust in Christ. St. Paul encouraged the Christians in unruly Corinth: "Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you" (1 . And yet James is the one who seems to carry the greatest weight among the Jerusalem brethren. The Jerusalem Council did endorse Barnabas and Saul and disassociate themselves with those who had gone out to Antioch insisting that Gentile converts be circumcised. The surprise of the Jerusalem Jewish saints is more an indication of their racial and religious biases than of genuine ignorance. Therefore I refuse to believe in hell, and any passage in Scripture which says there is a hell is too vague, too obscure, or inconsistent with too many other texts.. The apostles (certainly including Peter) were reluctant to believe that Paul was saved (Acts 9). "They constrain you to be circumcised," Paul wrote (Galatians 6:12). Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. Peter and heaven: Peter taught that Israel would receive the kingdom on earth (Luke 9:2Luke 9:62 Peter 1:11Acts 2:30). Passion of the Apostles Peter and Paul 5. It is not surprising that the churches that were founded were led by a plurality of elders.