a. 23. Company personnel are most likely to embrace new work practices if ____. Investors paid TMCC$24,099 for each of these securities; so they gave up $24,099 on March 28, 2008, for the promise of a$100,000 payment 30 years later. 1. honoring employees who have a proven track record of demonstrating company values. a. 48. Regarding the effects of TV violence, which of the following statements is false? Today, almost every culture tends to value the intellectual skills assessed by the Stanford-Binet and. Why are norms such an important element of culture? The hallmark of a strong-culture company is ____. What event led to a general disillusionment with the theory of cultural relativism? b. Which of the following is true about prime time media? Do-It-Right sells a sturdier but more expensive system for$12 million; it will last for 8 years. a. \\ a. Happiness tends to come from within a person and is affected by one's goals, choices, emotions, values, and personality. Company personnel are most likely to be receptive to new assignments if _____. Which type of theorist is most likely to emphasize that culture serves the interest of powerful group in society? Mechanisms of social control that enforce rules against killing are examples of: 26. a. Then write about yourself as though you were an admiring colleague. Through ethnomethodological research sociologists have learned all of the following, except. On March 28, 2008, Toyota Motor Credit Corporation (TMCC), a subsidiary of Toyota Motor, offered some securities for sale to the public. Then hold down the F9 key and observe the chart. We tend to exaggerate differences between members of out-groups and our own group. Regarding vision and hearing, which of the following statements is false? The Folsom culture was the first to arrive in Oklahoma. 1. by nurturing a results-oriented work climate, where performance standards are high. Within a culture, a behavior may be defined as abnormal in one situati, Regarding sensation and perception, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. You can think without using language. Which answer best fits the following statement, "simply the observation that there are disagreements among cultures regarding moral behavior?". Which of the following statements about company culture in relation to support strategy execution is true? Although humans continue to adapt ____, reliance on _____ means of adaptation has increased human evolution, Cultural traits, patterns, and inventions also can be ______, threatening the group's continued existence (survival and reproduction), According to Leslie White, culture, and therefore humanity, came into existence when humans began to use ______, The term ________ refers to any fossil or living human, chimp, or gorilla, while the term ____ refers only to any fossil or living human, unlike human rights, _______ are vested not in individuals but in groups, including indigenous peoples and religious and ethnic minorities. Regarding handedness, which of the following statements is FALSE? B) An early target of the change strategy might be a firm's artifacts and espoused values. c. Americans reject European notions of aristocratic privilege. R(x)=36 x-0.01 x^2 88. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. This would mean that (D1) is true. b. Handedness is influenced by a single gene on the X chromosome. An aging of the companys accounts receivable on December 31, 2014, and a historical analysis of the percentage of uncollectible accounts in each age category are as follows: Anne, a teenager, is constantly bullied by her peers in school because of her dark skin color. \\ a. visiting various company facilities and talking with company personnel at different organizational levels. Use the present tense ("I am," not "I was," "I do," not "I did.") Be brave: say nice things about yourself. helps determine an organization's approach to business. Managers in companies with change-resistant cultures ______. Which Amplify buying option allows advertisers to verify that their ads are reaching a specific demographic via Nielsen? 69. a. In order for a company culture to assist with the strategy execution process, the culture should be _____. Which of the following techniques are generally agreed to be effective ways of embedding and perpetuating cultural norms in a company? According to the text, the interdisciplinary field known as cultural studies builds on the insights of . Applying psychological princ. A) institute whatever internal changes may be needed to implement/ execute the strategy b) mobilize enthusiastic . a story about an employee who kept the store open after hours so a customer could find a birthday present for a chronically ill parent. 1. have the autonomy to offer contributions. 8. c. We are most sensitive to sweet, and least sensitive to sour taste, Regarding the research on happiness, which of the following statements is FALSE? Two classic cultural concepts associated with the work of William Graham Sumner are . |Over 180 days past due |        15,000|80| Cultural awareness has helped broaden our ideas about mental health and optimal development. Regarding culture and perception, which of the following statements is FALSE? c. Knowledge can be acquired without language. People who believe they are getting alcoholic drinks but are getting plain drinks will not behave as though they are getting drunk. Value statements and codes of ethics can contribute to culture-building by ___. may pursue overly ambitious financial targets. c. Attitudes summarize our evaluation of objects. True or false. 2 points Which of the following best describes a strategy of differentiation? Many moral relativists, however, take the fact-value distinction to be fundamental. Explain whether the following statement is true or false. Which of the following statements is correct regarding successful culture change? are often motivated by a desire to avoid mistakes. A) Culture change should only be attempted when organizational survival is threatened. Which of the following statements is false regarding culture from a conflict perspective? Diversification into new businesses can bring about change in company culture. Cultural universals reflect the fact that humans everywhere share the same basic needs. telling stories that connect new values to everyday practices. Is the only false one. Quick & Dirty Systems sells a relatively cheap purification system for $10 million. B. Employees are more likely to produce new ideas if they ____. You can't think without using language. Which of the following statements about cultural universals is false? In every society, the dominant culture is. 1. the "personality" that permeates the work environment. Which of the following techniques are generally agreed to be affective ways of embedding and perpetuating cultural norms in a company? a. include the physical products of a society b. include the norms and values of a society c. affect people, often in patterned and predictable ways d. All of the above. c. Social nonconformit, Regarding interpersonal attraction, which of the following statements is false? As a result, young girls are forced to undergo circumcision. According to researchers on culture and language: 32. Who said, "We recognize that morality differs in every society, and it is a convenient term for socially approved habits.". Choose the false statements from the following - 1. Both systems entail $1 million in operating costs; both will be depreciated straight-line to a final value of zero over their useful lives; neither will have any salvage value at the end of its life. Which of the following is true about culture in the U.S.? \\ a. For some, moral relativism, which relativizes the truth of moral claims, follows logically from a broader cognitive relativism that relativizes truth in general. b. Mothers pay more visual attention to their, Regarding gender differences, which of the following statements is FALSE? D-Being bad at doing the renegade, Shane Dawson was canceled for which reason 2. The cultures of groups whose values and norms differ to some extent from those of the dominant culture are called . 1. enhance productivity and increase the likelihood of hitting targets. Nonmaterial culture consists of which of the following? The corporate culture of Apple Electric is largely centered on _____. (D2) Assume (D1) is true. a. 84. theorists are most likely to emphasize that cultural norms and beliefs integrate people into groups and create social bonds. Critics of television often refer to the detrimental effects that all the violence shown on television has on children. A company with a tradition of executing environmentally sustainable strategies decides to expand operations into a country with lenient emissions standards. What is the most critical element of cultural traditions? Today, almost every culture tends to value the intellectual skills assessed by the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests. The invention of subways and trains illustrates which cause of social change? Duties and responsibilities include, but not limited to the following: Provide comprehensive counseling services to African American/Black students, including academic, career, personal and life transitions counseling; Assist in the organization and implementation of matriculation activities, such as orientation, counseling and follow . 53. Subcultures can exist because a company has recently acquired other companies. b. Assume (D1) is false. Norms, values, laws, and customs are all examples of . Which of the following statements is FALSE about animals and culture? \\ a. These data are listed here. a weak culture is a good managerial ally in executing strategy because there are no traditions. See the difference between perception and reality. It is acquired by all humans, as members of society, through enculturation. b. In Western cultures, boys are encouraged to engage in expressive behaviours. Cultural relativism confused morality what what? Answer the following: A. Consumption for the sake of displaying one's wealth is called. a. The music faculty_____ all at the concert. 97. is an interdisciplinary field that builds on symbolic interactionism and is often critical of classical sociological approaches. 16. d. Western cultures have a broader focus of attention, while Eastern cultures have a relatively narrow focus of attention. By attending company ceremonies and events, top executives can _____. Regarding factors that influence eating, which of the following statements is false? Social stereotypes are always negative. a. Child-rearing practices in different cultures reflect different customs and belief systems. Following the fall of the Roman Empire, the greatest source of stability in Western Europe was b. Stereotypes force people into a distorted social "box" that is limiting and insulting. Discovery learning is somewhat better when learning is measured by tests of a, Regarding the studies of conformity, which of the following statements is false? 14. 86. An effective long-term method for motivating employees to make productive contributions to the strategy execution process is ____. The successful candidate will join a department dedicated to the use of curriculum responsive to the students it serves. Two categories or even several are often inadequate to fully capture differences in personality. a. Making corrections during the strategy execution process depends on _____. b. b. Cultural norms and values seldom guide ethical behavior in business. New scholars within cultural studies are emphasizing. 67. Early maturation may force premature identity formation. Children tend to blindly imitate adult role models. - fight to defend the polis d. Attitudes are the result of our genetic, Regarding thirst, which of the following statements is false? c. Stereotypes are attitudes held toward persons wh. This leads to her being aloof and actively shying away from social events. Highlight cells G1 and G2 and use Excels Chart Wizard to create a bar chart. a. |130 days past due |390,000 |  2| create a culture in which innovation can flourish. Children cannot learn attitudes, fears, emotions, or personality traits through modeling. B. How do sociologists view the value of culture for the individual? c. From birth, neonates wi, Cultural values are belief-based. Top-level executives can engage the workforce by _____. The size of the majority makes a difference in whether the person conformed, but a surprisingly small difference. which of the following statements about the relationship between a company's culture and the strategy execution process is false? People often disagreed regarding the perceptions they obtained during introspection. to take measures to establish a strong culture in the company, 1. there is little compulsion to abide by company norms. Chatkora dance - Baiga Tribe 3. Social nonconformity is accompanied by subjective discomfort. Regarding cultures and intelligence, which of the following statements is false? Currently, over 100 million Americans are African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Native American, or Pacific Islander. Regarding altered states of consciousness, which of the following statements is FALSE? Citizens of the polis were: a. Learn the definition of perception and find its importance. This scenario most likely illustrates that __________. | :--- | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | Responses Under the terms of the contract, TMCC promised to repay the owner of one of these securities $100,000 on March 28, 2038, but investors would receive nothing until then. (was, were). Manipulating culture or imposing one's culture on another group, 110. a. Which of the following statements is false? As a rule, your artist's statement should be written in the first person. a. Despite being a good student, Anne develops an inferiority complex and starts believing that she is ugly. Which of the following statements about high-performance cultures is true? Write T if the statement is true, and F if it is false. An ethnocentric person is characterized by which of the following? People in Asian cultures are more apt to engage in self-criticism b. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that: 20. d. gullible; distracted. 1. b. c. If you were to take a drug th, Regarding self-concept, which of the following statements is false? The society we live in can influence our most basic perceptual habits. 54. The Folsom culture was the first to use the "surround kill" method. a. c. Actual imitation depends on whether t. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: In the perception process, we organize things based on how close to or far apart from each other they are. Rating people on a list of traits tends to be more informative than classifyi, Regarding psychiatric labelling and social stigma, which of the following statements is FALSE? Estimate what the proper balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts should be as of December 31, 2014. Indicate whether this statement is true or false. Culture is determined by national boundaries. The difference between subcultures and countercultures is that. Which of the following statements is false regarding culture from a conflict perspective? Which of the following statements is false in regards to beliefs? 74. to integers 1 through 5. Is the following statement true or false: 'Culture exists in people's mind, not in external or tangible objects.' Regarding the first-person experience, which of the following statements is FALSE? Which of the following are reasons that symbolic actions are an important part of the process of creating culture? Which of the following statements about problem cultures are accurate? a) respect and tolerance for the norms and values of different cultures b) the disappearance or disagreement in a pluralistic society regarding moral values c) greater acceptance of constructive criticism of one's own cultural norms the process of strategy execution is continuous and requires regular looping back to fine-tune procedures and make adjustments. In cell G1 type =COUNTIF(A1:E20,=1) and in cell G2 type =COUNTIF(A1:E20,=2). Puerto Ricans in New York and the Amish are examples of . Why did the French Revolution become more radical? The term __________ refers to values that conflict with one another or are mutually exclusive, meaning that achieving one value makes it difficult, if not impossible, to achieve another. Explore the concept of perception in psychology. b) An organization's rules of behavior may not be beneficial and may limit theorganization's performance. introducing a series of actions that are unmistakably intended to imitate culture change. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, What is Perception in Psychology? Some elements of prejudice are unconscious, which makes them difficult to change. a. You can go live on Twitter on your Twitter app. the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors, encompassing past, present, and future; biology, society, language, and culture, traditions and customs transmitted through learning, an economy based on plant cultivation and / or animal domestication, anthropology as a whole: cultural, archaeological, biological, and linguistic anthropology, combining biological and cultural approaches to a given problem, fieldwork in a particular cultural setting, the comparative, cross-cultural study of human society and culture, the study of sociocultural differences and similarities, the study of human behavior through material remains, the study of human biological variation in time and space, field of study that seeks reliable explanations, with reference to the material and physical world, the study of language and linguistic diversity in time, space, and society, using anthropology to solve contemporary problems, deciding what needs saving when entire archaeological sites cannot be saved, a set of ideas formulated to explain something, an observed relationship between two or more variables, a suggested but as yet unverified explanation, the process by which culture is learned and transmitted across the generations, something, verbal or nonverbal, that stands for something else, key, basic, or central values that integrate a culture, member of hominid family; any fossil or living human, chimp or gorilla, hominids excluding the african apes; all the human species that ever have existed, culture pattern or trait that exists in some but not all societies, distinctive or unique culture trait, pattern, or integration, cultural features shared by citizens of the same nation, cultural traditions that extend beyond national boundaries, different cultural traditions associated with subgroups in the same nation, judging other cultures using one's own cultural standards, rights vested in religious and ethnic minorities and indigenous societies, idea that behavior should be evaluated not by outside standards but in the context of the culture in which it occurs, intellectual property rights; an indigenous group's collective knowledge and its applications, an exchange of cultural features between groups in firsthand contact, borrowing of cultural traits between societies, the independent development of a cultural feature in different societies, the accelerating interdependence of nations in the world system today, rights based on justice and morality beyond and superior to particular countries, cultures, and religions, form (guide) used to structure a formal, but personal, interview, form used by sociologists to obtain comparable information from respondents, using diagrams and symbols to record kin connections, expert on a particular aspect of local life, of a key consultant; a personal portrait of someone's life in culture, research strategy focusing on local explanations and meanings, people who teach an ethnographer about their culture, research strategy emphasizing the ethnographer's explanations and categories, long-term study, usually based on repeated visits, the study of society through sampling, statistical analysis, and impersonal data collection, a smaller study group chosen to represent a larger population, a sample in which all population members have an equal chance of inclusion, attributes that differ from one person or case to the next, large, populous societies (e.g, nations) with stratification and a government, agreement to take part in research- after having been informed about its nature, procedures, and possible impacts, idea (19th century) of a single line or path of cultural development, idea (Boas) that histories are not comparable; diverse paths can lead to the same cultural result, approach focusing on the role (function) of sociocultural practices in social systems, view of culture as integrated and patterned, Idea (Harris) that cultural infrastructure determines structure & superstructure, (Kroeber) The special domain of culture, beyond the organic and inorganic realms, the study of symbols in their social and cultural context, (Geertz) the study of culture as a system of meaning, the actions of individuals, alone and in groups, that create and transform culture, the web of interrelated economic and power relations in society. Which of the following media sources dominates most Americans' leisure time? Which of the following is likely to send the clearest signal that management is serious about changing company culture? 1. creating a work environment in which personnel share strongly held convictions about how the company should conduct business. b. Companies that are afflicted by politicized cultures ______. Culture is shared and passed down through generations. B. c. Wundt firs, Regarding the theories of personality, which of the following statements is False? People who believ, Regarding observational learning studies, which of the following statements is FALSE? The reflection hypothesis contends that. Based on price alone, which would you buy? Some facial expressions are shaped by learning and may be found only in specific cultures, while others like the smile appear to be universal. . The ____ characterizes any anthropological endeavor that formulates research questions and gathers or uses systematic data to test hypotheses. Which of the following could be considered an effective and positive symbolic action for management of a company that makes environmentally green products? a. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, B. the Folsom culture was the first to arrive in Oklahoma. which of the following is a significant change in the history of ethnography? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Which of the following is true about cultural change? The first section below covers key developments from the fourth quarter of 2022; the second section discusses certain key developments from the first three quarters of 2022. B. Which of the following is an example of a story that could potentially help foster a positive corporate culture? 43. $\underline{\phantom{\text{xxx}}}$. b. c) There are behaviors common in chimpanzees in one location that are absent from chimpanzees in another location. average, you are getting about 50 ones and 50 twos? b. 70. The customs and practices that occur across all societies are called cultural universals. b. A. 30. b) We learn relatively more information with spaced practice. C. The Folsom culture was derived from the earlier Clovis culture. The intensity of an emotional feeling is directly related to the amount of autonomic nervous, In the Japanese and other Asian cultures, which of the following statements is false? r use of rivers. c. The th, Regarding social nonconformity, which of the following statements is true? a. Stereotypes are often a mixture of positive and negative qualities. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. c. Stereotypes tend to simplify people into "us" a, Which statement is true regarding the sense of taste? b. Herodotus said that conceptions of right and wrong differ from culture to culture? Children can help shape their own development through their actions. Which of the following are examples of how company culture can contribute to the successful implementation of strategy? 6. b. b. of the significance people bestow on them as cultural symbols. a. Homosexual people are found in all walks of life, at all social and economic levels, and in all cultural groups. 90. being highly protective of company-developed technology. Which of the following is true about the meanings of symbols? A. The strictest norms in any society are called . b. Which of the following statements about culture shock is false? |3160 days past due |85,000 |  4| Nurturing a result-oriented work climate can prompt employees to _____. 89. Which of the following is most likely to follow as a result of adopting cultural relativism? 33. All of the following are examples of universal features except which of the following statements about culture is not true? accept the challenge of implementing new strategies, 1. enhance productivity and increase the linkihood of hitting targets. 1. the company has a good strategy and business model, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Underline the subject. A-Having a big forehead and bashing those with small foreheads Core value statements and codes of ethics can contribute to a positive and productive company culture if the company ____. | Television | 19 | 29 | 38 | 28 | 29 | 36 | 18 | 3. Cultural Relativism does not work in what kind of society? The habit of seeing things only from the point of view of one's own group is called . C) Managers should use a structured approach to changing cultures. a. True or false: in a weak-culture company, employees are likely to identify strongly with their company and be committed emotionally to their work. Rizal Technological University, Pasig City, A gas kick has been circulated out At the time the gas reaches the casing shoe, Experiment 4 - Determining Iron Concentration in Water Sample_Lab Report.docx, A SHA 1 B RC4 C Blowfish D Diffie Hellman Answer A QUESTION 1262 Which of the, Forum Unit 8 Project Quality Management.docx, 2019_georgia_opioid_overdose_prelim_report_.pdf, square4 Disposicin de servicios segn el flujo de atencin Proceso, The main tasks for this exercise are as follows 1 Write a SELECT Statement That, viewed the entrepreneur as the cornerstone of capitalism and defined creative, ACCA FA Question Bank Answers to 17 Interpretation of Financial Statements 175, Which of the following is not a characteristic of an algorithm Select one a It, Q As the general manager of a large contracting firm, it is your responsibility to hire employees who will positively contribute to the organization. employees may resist performing the actions that will enhance strategy execution. |91180 days past due |42,000 |32| When we fail to reject the null hypothesis which of the following statements is true? Genetic material can be maintained through physical replication, passive inheritance by offspring, and direct transmission. d) a and b. e) b and c. Regarding emotions, which of the following statements is false? b. it often takes less time to build a new culture from scratch than to change an entrenched culture. Cultural relativism says that public opinion determines right and wrong? Which of the following are appropriate criteria to determine whether a company has good strategic leadership? a. Ambitious Students: Generalize this experiment - expected to serve on juries, 24. Everyone is cultured. Prejudices that occur when members of another social group are perceived as a thre. \\ The idea that behavior must be judged relative to the values of the culture in which it occurs is known as ethnocentrism. Each theory has added to our understanding by providing a sort of lens through which human behavior can be viewed. a. b. When company culture is in conflict with company strategy, ______. TamagoHelper Answer: B.) Which of the following statements about ethnography is not true? Culture is changing. A lack of unanimity, that is, having at least one pe, Regarding social stereotypes, which of the following statements is true? b. a. a company-wide emphasis on firmly established values, practices, and employee behaviors that moderate the workplace climate. \\ a. is the foundation of a work culture that will help the company achieve its goals. Cultural Relativism creates a divisive mentality? On the other hand, cultural traits are actively transmitted by the learner through reconstructive phenotypic inference and selective imitation. Artist & # 92 ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; 2| create a bar.! Proven track record of demonstrating company values personality, which of the following is a significant change the. Replication, passive inheritance by offspring, and in all walks of life, all. 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As cultural symbols believing that she is ugly accessing cookies in your browser, b. the culture! Go live on Twitter on your Twitter app a result-oriented work climate, where performance standards are high institute... They ____ almost every culture tends to value the intellectual skills assessed by the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler which of the following statement is false about culture \\ idea... Enforce rules against killing are examples of: 26. a and the Amish are examples of universal features except of... 'S culture on another group, 110. a her being aloof and actively shying away from social events every... Tv violence, which of the following statement is true has recently acquired other companies value and. The other hand, cultural traits are actively transmitted by the learner reconstructive. Company with a tradition of executing environmentally sustainable strategies decides to expand operations into a with... 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